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Demonstrator 753.6

Home CZ LOKO 753.6 - EffiLiner 1600 Demonstrator 753.6
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In 2013, CZ LOKO completed EffiLiner 1600 locomotive 753 604-8. Carrying the CZ LOKO red and grey livery, the loco was subsequently used for demonstration purposes and available for hire by rail operators. In 2015, the loco was sold to SD - Kolejová Doprava a.s., which already operated predecessors 753 601-603 at the time.


Fleet List

Hersteller Fabriknummer Baujahr Fahrzeugtyp Bauart Loknummer        
CZ LOKO 13-0631 2013 EffiLiner 1600 Bo'Bo'-de SD-KD 753 604-8