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TZV Gredelj

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TŽV Gredelj is a Croatian manufacturer, mainly active in (heavy) modernizations of rolling stock. In close conjunction with the National Railway Equipment Company (NREC), TŽV offers heavily modernized and (near) new American-built G26CW and GT26CW locomotives to the market, often equipped with refurbished diesel engines. Examples of this are the (N)GT26CW-3 locomotives for ONCF and Israel Railways and the GT26CU locomotives for Sitarail from Ivory Coast.

G Series

GT26CU-3: African Minerals / SISG GT26CU-3: Riversdale / Rio Tinto
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GT26CU-3: Sitarail GT26CW-2: TSO
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GT26CW-3: Irolli NGT26CW-3: Israel Railways
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J Series

