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Home Stadler Rail Valencia EUROLIGHT Dinazzano Po EUROLIGHT
Bombardier 34378 - ITL "285 107-9"
01.05.2017 - Cossebaude [D]
Krauss-Maffei 19635 - RailAdventure "103 222-6"
25.04.2017 - Kassel, Rangierbahnhof [D]
with 483 222
Progress Rail 20128816-007 - GBRf "66758"
25.04.2017 - Wellingborough, Yard [GB]
66758 sits in Wellingborough Yard with yesterdays 6M52 from Trowse which has now been unloaded on road seven.
Siemens 22003 - IL "247 905"
24.04.2017 - Jena-Göschwitz [D]